Community Comparison Review 

Above is the Link to the wakelet that I reviewed comparing Massapequa School District and Lawrence School District. There were a lot of notable differences between the Lawrence and Massapequa school districts. My first noted difference was between their ethnicity percentages. Massapequa is 89% white, while Lawrence is 13% white. It was very obvious in the pie chart that the Lawrence school district was significantly more diverse. I also noticed that there is a large difference between the number of students at each school. Lawrence also has a significantly lower graduation rate than Massapequa and other schools that have researched. But what was odd to me was that for Lawrence having a lower percentage rate, they actually spent more per student than Massapequa did. It may be because Lawrence has fewer students in their school district, but having fewer students and still spending the same amount of money per student seems odd for their graduation rate to be low. Their classroom size is smaller, meaning the children should be receiving more personalized attention than the students of Massapequa. I believe that the suspension rats may be a factor in the graduation rate differences. Massapequa’s suspension rate is only 1% of its student population, whereas Lawrence's is about 4%. Lawrence has some of the higher suspension rates I have come across. I did notice the disparity in resources as well. Massapequa had a wider range of resources available for students and parents alike, whereas Lawrence had slightly more limited options for help and information. Lawrence did seem to have a larger array of resources when it came to diversity in students though, which would make sense when considering their student population's demographics.

Maddie's reflection on the project started out similar to mine. She brought up the difference in diversity and class size as well. It was interesting that she was able to connect the two school districts to her own life. I appreciated that she picked topics to discuss that she was passionate about and wanted to contribute to her own classroom. I think she did a great job of objectively discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each school. She mentioned that Massapequa tended to have more resources available, but Lawrence tended to have more diversity and resources that accompanied the needs of their community, which was something i had noted as well.


  1. Hey Taylor! I really enjoyed reading your reflection on Maddie's Community Comparison project. It's so interesting seeing the differences in percentage of ethnicity in Lawerence and Massapequa. Comparing the two communities show that they are not the same from each other and how different education levels differ. I think as future educators is so important to be aware that not all student's have the same living and economic level and we need to treat all student's with the same learning experience and recognize their own learning abilities and what is there background like. Maybe we can all come together to provide the same economic needs in each community and help each other. Both schools are very good and i think your reflection and Maddies project expressed the differences very well.

  2. Hello Taylor,
    Reading your analysis of Maddie's Community Comparison project was incredibly interesting. Observing the disparities in race between Lawrence and Massapequa is really fascinating. The two districts can be compared to demonstrate how distinct they are from one another and how diverse educational standards are. As educators, I believe it is crucial to understand that not every learner is at the same socioeconomic and cultural circumstances, and we must provide them with an equal educational opportunity while also taking into account their unique learning styles and cultural backgrounds. Perhaps we can all collaborate to assist one another's communities' financial requirements. Both institutions are excellent, and I believe your analysis and Maddie's project did a great job of expressing the distinctions.


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