
Parent-Student-Teacher relationships

Please enjoy a Vlog this week as I discuss the dynamics between teachers, students, and their parents.  Here is a list of references that were used to make this video:  lsnachicago. (2012, September 25).  NBC Today Show: Education Nation - Putting Parents to Work in the Classroom  [Video]. YouTube.  Aguilar, E. (2011, September 23). 20 Tips for Developing Positive Relationships with Parents.  Edutopia .   Borovoy, A.E. (2012, November 2). 5-Minute Film Festival: Parent-Teacher Partnerships.  Edutopia. Family Engagement: Resource Roundup (2010, July 14).  Edutopia.

Cell phones and Social Media in the Classroom.

    When I think about cellphone usage in schools, I have an internal war with myself. On one hand, cellphone use can impede on a child's educational process if they are paying more attention to their phone than to the lesson. On the other hand, phones have become a very relevant part of our society and to completely ban them makes me feel like there is a blind eye being turned to this significant part of our reality. I will admit that I often used my phone when I was in school, mostly to speak with my mom, but also to talk with friends, or my coaches, and sometimes just to listen to music. With that being said, my grades didn't suffer as I didn't allow my phone usage to impact my education. I would feel extremely hypocritical to completely ban cell phones from my classroom.      Even though I would allow my students to keep their cell phones, It will come with an understanding of mutual respect and boundaries. The use of social media would be limited in my...

Inhalants and Drug Abuse.

Photo was taken from:           Drug use/abuse is a serious topic that needs to be discussed with students. I still remember sitting in my high school health class learning about drugs and peer pressure. I told my teacher that peer pressure isn't as big of a factor as he thinks because if you just say no most people respect that. I now understand that idea came from who I chose to surround myself with. I did unfortunately understand the effects of drug use firsthand. like many in my high school, I can recall at least three drug-related student deaths while I was in attendance. It has been extremely evident to me that drugs need to be spoken about to students. The National Institute of Drug Abuse shares my concern for education and has curated lesson plan guides for different age groups and different types of drugs. In this blog, I will review their lesson plan for discussing inhalants with 5-9th graders. Here is a l...

Mindfulness Lessons

        ( 12 Fascinating Ways Mindfulness Can Improve Your Mental (and Physical) Health, According to Science, 2022).      What's your earliest memory? When do you first remember realizing that you were part of society and how you acted impacted yourself and others? Have you realized that yet, and do you have the tools to deal with it? Did you know that how you feel influences how you treat other people? Being in the present moment and understanding how to regulate your own emotions are brought to light in practices like social-emotional learning or mindfulness and can help deal with some of the questions I have brought up.       School is meant to prepare you for life. Social-emotional learning should be integrated into school curriculums. By the age of 18 one in three adolescents will experience anxiety and meet the criteria to be diagnosed (Why is Mindfulness Needed in Education, n.d.). The percentage of students that will...

Temporarily Housed Students

  *This image was taken from Simple Psychology and depicts Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. The idea is that the bottom level of the hierarchy must be met before a person can structurally build upon the upper levels (Mcleod, 2020). As a future educator, one of my goals for my classroom is to help every student succeed. Part of this success to me would be helping my students be able to graduate. Do I know that this will not always be able to be a guarantee for me, yes. This fact does not deter my determination nor the faith I have in my future students. Every student will be affected by their environment, and the only environment I can control around my students is my classroom. I want to ensure an environment for my students to feel safe in and know someone is on their side rooting for them. Having housing insecurities can be a huge stressor, and I want to make sure that my students know someone is on their side and there to help them.  Temporary housing can affect grades and scho...

Depression: Awareness and Action

          I am a huge advocate for mental health awareness, so it would make sense for me to want this to be a significant part of my classroom when I become a teacher. Prior to my journey to become an art teacher, I graduated from Oneonta with a bachelor's in Psychology. While I am no expert, I am knowledgeable about mental health and its effects on people. On top of my schooling, I am also one of many who suffer from depression. The image above has a brief overview of Depression but does not explain what needs to be said. I want to break it down into a digestible concept and help people better understand how to deal with depression.       Depression can have many causes. It may originate from one or a combination of sources. Depression may be caused by abnormal brain chemical levels (Clevland Clinic, 2020). This includes chemicals that are produced by the gut. Levels of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and cortisol all have an eff...